Thoughtful Hour

I barely got any sleep today. Perhaps two decent hours of true restfulness. But as I sat up from bed, I was pleasantly surprised to feel awake. I was not as groggy as I usually was. My mind began to piece itself together again, as remnants of my earlier thoughts and philosophical contemplations began to creep into consciousness. A question then dawned on me: 

Why do most people tend to feel productive, creative, and inspired at their most tired- right before bed?

It doesn't really make logical sense. Does it have to do with a chemical rush in our brain? A side-effect of a relaxed mind? or the timing in our circadian rhythm? Regardless, this is a real phenomenon that is experienced by many people- and from my quick Google research... has no real terminology for. As I began to dress for work, I continued to ruminate on the possibilities of these findings, the self-discovery made from the waking mind! "I seem to always think of deep, analytical thoughts at my tiredness," I thought to myself. What if, our mental bounds expand during a critical period & state. A creative explosion that occurs from the reactive mixture of tiredness and a quiet night. 

I am definitely fascinating by this idea... and if it is something real, and scientific- I'd vote to call it the Thoughtful Hour.

- Kevin Chuuster


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